Break'n Eggs Creperie

Break'n Eggs  Creperie
5235 Main St.
 Buffalo, NY 14221

Break’n Eggs Creperie is a breakfast spot in the Village of Williamsville, located at 5235 Main Street. The restaurant is small and the staff is very considerate. Break'n Eggs Creperie earns 5 out of 5 Wheelz.

Parking: There is parking available in the front of the plaza building and has handicap parking. You may have some difficulty getting by the parking barriers because there is not a lot of room to get by. There is also parking in the back of the building with only one handicap space available. There is a tad more space to get out of the car and to get by the other cars. Both lots are paved and there is a sidewalk coming from the back entrance.

Entrance/Exit: There are two entrances. The main entrance (in front) is easy to handle and there is a small hallway leading to the dining room. The hallway can get very congested at times and it can be easier to wait outside near the benches and have someone put your name on the wait list (depending on the weather). The second entrance is on the side of the building, closer to the parking lot. There is a small bump to get up and there is a greater chance of being in the way as it is very crowded.

Seating: The dining room can get very crowded and the staff does a great job maneuvering to make it easy to get to your table. They have a few big tables and some intimate ones (for just two people). There are some ramped sections to sit near the windows.

Bathrooms: The restroom is fully accessible and there is plenty of room to move if needed. It is very easy to fit under the sink, reach the soap dispenser and paper towel dispenser.